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B i o g r a p h y

 Sebastian is a Indie / Soul / Blues influenced singer-songwriter, guitarist and producer from Northern California.



Thank You to all that voted in the

2020 North Bay Music Award's and making SSJ the Norby winner in the singer songwriter category!

   Years of self promoted touring, grinding it out on sidewalks, in bars, clubs, theaters, on festival stages and just about anywhere else someone can make a buck playing original music is starting to pay off. His work ethic and drive is making this North Bay native a fast rising star beyond local circles and his ever growing fan base gives him no reason to slow down. Inspiration and his continued pursuit to share messages of love and longing mixed with an edge that stems from part vintage - part modern approach to writing and production there's no telling, but the best is yet to come for this young writer. 
In the past Sebastian has been voted People's Choice Best Performer in Sonoma County, has received 3 other North Bay Music Awards and an award from the West Coast Songwriters Association.

In the past Sebastian has been voted People's Choice Best Performer in Sonoma County, has received 3 other North Bay Music Awards and an award from the West Coast Songwriters Association.

  He's currently in studio working on a solo record  and soon to start  a new record with the Highway Poets in 2021/22


© Copyright 2020 Sebastian Saint James  

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